The documentation you are viewing is for Dapr v1.8 which is an older version of Dapr. For up-to-date documentation, see the latest version.

Metadata API reference

Detailed documentation on the Metadata API

Dapr has a metadata API that returns information about the sidecar allowing runtime discoverability. The metadata endpoint returns among other things, a list of the components loaded and the activated actors (if present).

The Dapr metadata API also allows you to store additional information in the format of key-value pairs.

Note: The Dapr metatada endpoint is for instance being used by the Dapr CLI when running dapr in standalone mode to store the PID of the process hosting the sidecar and the command used to run the application.

Get the Dapr sidecar information

Gets the Dapr sidecar information provided by the Metadata Endpoint.


GET http://localhost:<daprPort>/v1.0/metadata

URL 参数

参数 说明
daprPort Dapr 端口。

HTTP 响应码

代码 说明
200 Metadata information returned
500 Dapr could not return the metadata information

HTTP Response Body

Metadata API Response Object

Name 数据类型 说明
id string Application ID
actors Metadata API Response Registered Actor[] A json encoded array of Registered Actors metadata.
extended.attributeName string List of custom attributes as key-value pairs, where key is the attribute name.
组件 Metadata API Response Component[] A json encoded array of loaded components metadata.

Metadata API Response Registered Actor

Name 数据类型 说明
type string The registered actor type.
count integer Number of actors running.

Metadata API Response Component

Name 数据类型 说明
name string Name of the component.
type string Component type.
version string 组件版本.


Note: This example is based on the Actor sample provided in the Dapr SDK for Python.

curl http://localhost:3500/v1.0/metadata
    "extended": {
        "appCommand":"uvicorn --port 3000 demo_actor_service:app"

Add a custom attribute to the Dapr sidecar information

Adds a custom attribute to the Dapr sidecar information stored by the Metadata Endpoint.


PUT http://localhost:<daprPort>/v1.0/metadata/attributeName

URL 参数

参数 说明
daprPort Dapr 端口。
attributeName Custom attribute name. This is they key name in the key-value pair.

HTTP Request Body

In the request you need to pass the custom attribute value as RAW data:

  "Content-Type": "text/plain"

Within the body of the request place the custom attribute value you want to store:


HTTP 响应码

代码 说明
204 Custom attribute added to the metadata information


Note: This example is based on the Actor sample provided in the Dapr SDK for Python.

Add a custom attribute to the metadata endpoint:

curl -X PUT -H "Content-Type: text/plain" --data "myDemoAttributeValue" http://localhost:3500/v1.0/metadata/myDemoAttribute

Get the metadata information to confirm your custom attribute was added:

    "extended": {
        "myDemoAttribute": "myDemoAttributeValue",
        "appCommand":"uvicorn --port 3000 demo_actor_service:app"